
How to Run Safe Board Meetings

There are many things districts must consider before school board meetings return to a regular schedule. It is important that parents and members of the community are able to attend school to express their opinions for their children. However, they should do so in a way that does not compromise safety or create disruption. Schools and districts should also have plans to quickly remove disruptive or dangerous people from the building.

To run a safe and effective board meeting, it is crucial to set a clear agenda. This will ensure that you cover all the important topics while keeping the time for meetings to a minimum and making it easier for your attendees to stay engaged.

A clear agenda can aid in avoiding overwhelming your attendees with long reports and routine tasks. By stating clearly what the purpose of each item is (to inform, seek information, or to reach a conclusion), your attendees can focus on discussion and questions and not be distracted by the smallest details.

Choose a software that is secure and can be used both in-person and online. You can provide hybrid meetings for those who don’t have access to a private boardroom. It will also make it easier to share documents, track attendance and take meeting minutes and will lower the risk of hackers during this highly public time.

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